Preserve Your Precious Memories And Wedding Outfit in a Proper Suit Cover

November 11, 2022
Preserve Your Precious Memories And Wedding Outfit in a Proper Suit Cover

Have you ever thought of specifically taking steps to preserve your wedding day outfits after the special day is over? If you haven’t, you are definitely not the only one. Suit covers are often ignored and most people simply forget all about preserving the suits.

If your marriage is round the corner, or you are planning it soon enough, here are few simple tips for preserving your wedding suit how a good suit cover can come in real handy.

You Don’t Have All the Time in the World

Once your wedding is over, you must not wait before taking your wedding suits to the preservationist. Yes, you might procrastinate it till after honeymoon to address the cleaning procedure. But the wedding day can easily leave quite a lot of dirt and stains on one of the most valuable dresses that you have. And, waiting to get these stains and dirt removed can make them more stubborn. Then, you might have to pay for getting your dresses restored rather than preserved, which is not just costlier, but also causes your gowns and suits to have some permanent damages done.

Get A Good Quality Suit Cover For your Suit

Now, the first thing you must do right after your wedding ceremony is over, is pack your outfits properly. This is critical, even before you are sending them to the preservationist. And, for this, you will need good quality suit covers. If you consult any professional, they will strictly tell you not to wrap your dresses in a plastic wrap as it can lock vapours inside and trap moisture. This further results in the growth of mildew and moulds, and no one wants that! Also, the dress and suit are heavy and cannot be hung up on a normal hangar. Thus, you need to get high quality suit covers for these precious pieces of clothing that will keep them safe and will also last a long time. Afterall, you also need to consider storing them once the preservationist is done with the job!

Why Do You Need A Professional Preservationist?

It is natural for many among us to think that getting a professional preservationist for the wedding suit is something way too much! Now, why will you need that just for your dresses? Moreover, there might not be any noticeable damage to them as well! And, what’s wrong with the regular packaging that the wedding gown and suit came in? Why will you want to get wedding suit cover?

Let me assure you, you are not the only one thinking these. However, like many who let these justifications define their actions, you will soon be regretting it. The wedding gowns and suits are special in numerous ways and there is no way you can replace them. And, the stains and dirt are not always something that you will be able to notice right away. Over time you will find the prefect looking gowns and dresses are developing stains that you never thought was there. Also, the packaging material that you probably got with those dresses will not do much good when it comes to preserving your gowns and suits in pristine condition for years to come!

It is the job of these professional preservationists to know the needs of your wedding gowns and dresses thoroughly. So, when it comes to preserving them, let the professionals decide on the best way. You can definitely consult the preservationist regarding the approach that will be taken. But, in general, the following are generally done while preserving your wedding dresses:

  • Delicate and thorough cleaning without using any bleaching or chemical agent that can cause harm to the fabric.
  • Special stain cleaning agents that are specifically meant for to preserve the dress.
  • Steaming and pressing the cleaned dress and gown, as per necessity.

Moreover, every good professional suit conservationist will also ask you to get good quality suit cover so that you need not worry about the dresses getting spoiled while being packed away for years.

Choosing A Good Preservationist Is Of Paramount Importance

When you are looking for a suit preservationist, do not shy away from questioning about the process involved and how your dresses will be treated. It is important to know these so as to judge whether or not you are getting the right person for the job. It is up to your preservationist to ensure that there is no stain or dirt or dust left on the dress once his job is done. Furthermore, your dress and suit must also be protected from any future stains, creases, discolouration, dust, spots due to oxidation, mould and mildew formation. These can be easily avoided when you are using a high-quality suit cover for each of your dresses.

Many conservationists use their own way of packaging. However, it is best if you choose the packaging as per your needs. Check out some great options at affordable rates. And, make sure that when it’s time for your silver or golden jubilee celebration, you and your partner can walk down in the same dress looking as new as the first day you wore them.

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